Friday, June 18, 2010

So here are the hand made roses. I used this cardboard color because I didn't want anything distracting from the art, but this color is still light enough to be seen against the dark chocolate walls! I wish I made more than I did, but it takes longer than I thought to make these. :)

Here is the show right after I put it up on Tuesday! I was fairly happy with how it looked, but I noticed that there was just way to much negative space for my taste. So look for my next set of photos, I hand made roses to fill in some space!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Finally have a date for opening reception! June 18th, 6:00pm at Lovin Cup!! Come support your local artist! :D

Monday, June 7, 2010

These are the labels for my pieces at my upcoming art show! The labels with the green backing are the completed labels, hope you like!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another older one that I did in my last semester at college. An for those unaware this is the Carla Bartow at her glorious place of work! The Orange Glory :)
Relatively old, but still one of my favorites. Color is a little off, but you will be able to see this at the show!
Finally a piece that I did using photos from the Austin TX trip I went on with Carla!
Here is the other side of the mailer, with info and contact! And I will be getting the rounded corners! niiice
 This is a self portrait and also the front of my mailer for my upcoming show! The show will be at Lovin' Cup at RIT's Park Point starting June 15th, and it will only be up a month so go check it out!!